100 rs note

It was a pretty normal day. I was waiting for my cousin to show up, as we have planned to watch a movie together. I had come home for my summer vacations and even though she was busy with her hobby classes, she took some time off to meet me as it had been a very long time since we have met.
We have always been close since our childhood.
I am 3 years older than her and I remember her to be following me around and continuously chattering whenever she came by. With time, our relationship grew and we became best of friends, sharing our secrets, hanging out together and just discussing anything and everything. She is a very fierce and loyal person and a very emotional being. And I like it about her. But one incident moved me even more. I have always known how much she cares about me and never doubted it, but still sometimes some gestures move you even more strongly. That day when she came to watch the movie with me, we enjoyed a lot and when she was about to go, we were standing in my alley, she wore her helmet and was sitting on her scooter and was ready to go and suddenly she took a hundred rupee note out of her pocket and handed it over to me. She said,“ For the last month I have been giving tuitions to some kids from my neighborhood and I got 500 rs for it – my first earning, so I decided to divide it in 5; one for Papa, one for mumma, one for my brother and one for my sister and this one for you because I believe only you five will value it.”, and that touched my heart. The sentimental value that 100 rs note holds for me is immense. It’s imbued with not just the hardwork she has put to earn it but also the love she has for me as she gave away a part of it to me, believing so strongly that I will value it. And I do. I know it’s worth is way beyond the denomination that is printed on it. It’s priceless. I kept it safely promising myself to never spend it. And it remains there till date.

This is one more token of love that I received few years back and wanted to share with you all. If you guys also have similar experiences do tell me in the comments section below.

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